
Your Heimdall Fetch FRB


usage: [-h] [-v] [-p PROBABILITY] [-f FILES [FILES ...]]
                        [-dm DM DM] [-g GPU_ID] [-sg] [-fw FILTER_WINDOW]
                        [-sig SIGMA] [-m MASK] [-dm_tol DM_TOL]
                        [-rfi_no_narrow] [-rfi_no_broad] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]


short long default help
-h --help show this help message and exit
-v --verbose Be verbose
-p --probability 0.5 Detection threshold
-f --files None filterbank or psrfits
-dm --dm [10, 1000] DM (eg -dm 10 1000)
-g --gpu_id 0 GPU ID to run heimdall on
-sg --apply_savgol Apply savgol filter to zap bad channels
-fw --filter_window 15 Window size (MHz) for savgol filter
-sig --sigma 6 Sigma for the savgol filter
-m --mask None Input RFI mask (could be 1-D bad channel mask or 2-D FT mask)
-dm_tol --dm_tol 1.25 SNR loss tolerance between DM trials
-rfi_no_narrow --rfi_no_narrow disable narrow band RFI excision
-rfi_no_broad --rfi_no_broad disable 0-DM RFI excision
-o --output_dir None Output dir for heimdall candidates
--no_progress None Do not show the tqdm bar